
Figure 1. Twelve hours after MK801 administration, only lymphocytes absolute number was statistically different compared to control group whereas, four parameters reached a statistical significant level 24 hours after MK801 administration.

Figure 2. Parameters that reached a statistically significant level compared to the control group right after and 12 hours after NBQX administration.

Figure 3. Comparison of the aggregation intensity that reached a statistically significant level between NBQX and control group with collagen as an antagonist.

Figure 4. MK801 administration induced a statistically significant decrease in CD3 and CD49 expression and an increase in CD54 expression 12 hours after the administration, whereas no statistically significant differences were observed 24 hours after MK801 administration.

Figure 5. Twelve hours after NBQX administration a statistically significant decrease was induced in CD3 and CD49 expression and an increase in CD54 expression .12 hours after, all antibody expression was increased compared to the control group.

Figure 6. Bone marrow results in MK801 and NBQX group compared to control group.