Journal of Hematology, ISSN 1927-1212 print, 1927-1220 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, J Hematol and Elmer Press Inc
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Original Article

Volume 13, Number 4, August 2024, pages 150-157

Disparities in Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Outcomes Among Young Adults


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Flow diagram of patients from VINCI included in the final analysis.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Flow diagram of treatment regimens by age category.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Kaplan-Meier plot of overall survival probability by treatment regimen and age category. (a, b) Patients of all ages 18 - 45 years old. (c) Overall survival of patients 18 - 29 years old by treatment regimen. (d) Overall survival of patients 30 - 45 years old by treatment regimen.


Table 1. Baseline Patient Characteristics
CharacteristicN (%)
ALL: acute lymphocytic leukemia; allo-HSCT: allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; MRC-ECOG: Medical Research Council-Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; MPAL: mixed-phenotype acute leukemia.
Age at diagnosis
  18 - 29127 (50.4)
  30 - 45125 (49.6)
  White, non-Hispanic147 (58.3)
  Black, non-Hispanic33 (13)
  Hispanic33 (13)
  Other/unknown39 (15.4)
ALL subtype
  B-cell (include pre-B)158 (65)
  T-cell71 (29)
  MPALs12 (5)
  Unknown2 (0.8)
  Yes108 (42.8)
  No144 (57)
Induction chemo regimen
  Adult115 (45.6)
  Pediatric98 (39)
  Pediatric-inspired39 (15)
MRC-ECOG cytogenetic risk classification
  High31 (12)
  Intermediate79 (31)
  Standard9 (3.6)
  Unknown89 (35)
Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+)44 (17.4)


Table 2. Overall 5-Year Survival Probability by Age Category Based on Treatment Regimen and MRC-ECOG Cytogenetic Risk Stratification
5-year OS estimate (95% CI), n
18 - 29 years old30 - 45 years old18 - 45 years old
CI: confidence interval; OS: overall survival; MRC-ECOG: Medical Research Council-Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.
Treatment regimen
  Pediatric81 (71, 92), n = 6490 (80, 100), n = 3484% (76, 92), n = 98
  Pediatric inspired50 (30, 84), n = 1446 (30, 71), n = 2547% (34, 66), n = 39
  Adult64 (52, 79), n =4959 (48, 73), n = 6661 (53, 71), n = 115
Age category (95% CI), n
18 - 29 years old30 - 45 years old18 - 45 years old
MRC-ECOG cytogenetic risk
  High74 (56, 96), n = 19100 (100, 100), n = 1283 (70, 98), n = 31
  Intermediate70 (57, 87), n = 3769 (56, 85), n = 4270 (60, 81), n = 79
  Ph+82 (62, 100), n = 1263 (48, 83), n = 3269 (53, 84), n = 44
  Standard40 (15, 100), n = 80 (-, -), n = 136 (13, 99), n = 9
  Unknown72 (60, 86), n = 4947 (32, 67), n = 3061 (51, 73), n = 99


Table 3. Overall 5-Year Survival by Race
Race/ethnicity5-year OS (95% CI)
CI: confidence interval; OS: overall survival.
Black59% (45, 77), n = 39
Hispanic73% (58, 91), n = 33
White72% (65, 79), n = 163
Other49% (33, 72), n = 28
Unknown50% (30, 84), n = 14